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Keyword Rich Domain Names Are About to Be Targeted by Google's AlgoritGoogle plans on focusing less on keywords rich domain names. People have started complaining that keyword match domain names rank too high in Google's search results. For example, if my domain name is searchengineblog
U.S. government cybersecurity spending FY 2024 | StatistaFor the FY 2022, U.S. Department of Homeland Security had the highest estimated amount of cybersecurity spending among other CFO act agencies.
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CCTV shows ex-boxer Michael Watson followed by Mercedes before terrifyDetectives have released footage of a Mercedes following boxing champion Michael Watson and his carer moments before they were targeted by thugs in a horrific attempted carjacking in east London.
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Phishing Activity Numbers November - January 2023 Cybercrime InformaDuring this period, we measured phishing reports, phishing attacks, and the number of unique domain names reported for use in phishing attacks. We also measured famous brands that were targeted by phishers.
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Phishing Activity Numbers August October 2022 Cybercrime InformationDuring this period, we measured phishing reports, phishing attacks, and the number of unique domain names reported for use in phishing attacks. We also measured famous brands that were targeted by phishers.
Phishing Activity Numbers May July 2022 Cybercrime Information CenteDuring this period, we measured phishing reports, phishing attacks, and the number of unique domain names reported for use in phishing attacks. We also measured famous brands that were targeted by phishers.
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